Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Plate tectonics is the theory that plates are divided into different sections. to prove plate tectonic is true scientists used the two different types of plates which are continental and oceanic plates. Many other features such as boundaries, volcanoes, mountains,Continental drift etc.

One of the most valuable evidence is two different plates. Oceanic plates is land under ocean. Continental plate is land on dry land. The movement of these two lands creates different feature. For example when two continental plates comes together it creates a mountain. But when two oceanic plates comes together it creates volcanoes.when two continental plate moves side to side earthquake occurs but when two oceanic plates tsunami eruption occurs.

The second significant evidence is the center of earth which has 4 layers. The outside to inside layers are crust, mantle, outer core and the inner core. The inner core is the most hot and solid part of earth made up of iron. The inner core helps to actives volcano.

The third important evidence is the Convection current which helps to move the plate tectonics. Like the earth, everything has to recycle itself. The magma that goes up in a volcano and becomes lava goes back down after explosion because the heat from underneath pulls the lava. This used material recycles through the help of convection current in a circular way and explode for 2nd time & so on. Without convection current it would be impossible to maintain volcanic explosions and eruptions.

I think the theory of plate tectonics is true based on the effects of the movements of plates. That is passed from generation to generation. We should study more about earth interior in order to have useful knowledge.

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